



1. ( )      of the ending songs (片尾曲) in the movie is in Japanese.
(A) Both (B) Two (C) All (D) One  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. ( ) Vanellope saw Ralph      the tree.
(A) climb (B) to climb (C) climbed (D) was climbing  (《無敵破壞王》)
3. ( )      Ralph didn’t want to get the medal(獎牌), he couldn’t know Vanellope.
(A) Although (B) If (C) Because (D) When  (《無敵破壞王》)
 (4)  Ralph  (5)  go back Fix-It Felix, Jr  (6)  , the game will disappear (消失).  (《無敵破壞王》)
4. ( )
(A) After (B) Though (C) If (D) Before
5. ( )
(A) won’t (B) don’t (C) didn’t (D) doesn’t
6. ( )
(A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicker (D) quickest
7. ( )      the race is Vanellope’s hope.      a bad guy is Ralph’s fate (命運).  (《無敵破壞王》)
(A) Join;Be (B) Joining;Be (C) To Joining;To be (D) Joining;Being


1. ( ) 請問破壞王和雲妮露的友誼應是? (複選)
(A) 點頭之交 (B) 泛泛之交 (C) 一面之交 (D) 忘年之交
(E) 莫逆之交 (F) 勢利之交 (G) 總角之交  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. ( ) 薛曼和潘妮的情況應是? (複選)
(A) 不打不相識 (B) 患難見真情 (C) 冤家變親家  (MPAS)
3. ( ) 下列何者使用的修辭與「歸來見天子,天子坐明堂」相同?  (〈木蘭詩〉)
(A) 我喜歡愛你愛你愛你,隨時都要一起  (〈愛你AINI)
(B) 基因決定,決定我愛你  (〈基因決定我愛你〉)
(C) 小酒窩,長睫毛,迷人的無可救藥  (〈小酒窩〉)
(D) 你被寫在我的眼睛裡眨呀  (〈你被寫在我的歌裡〉)
4. ( ) 下列何者使用的修辭與「風箏一路追逐鳥兒」相同?  (〈向鳥學習〉)
(A) 把我們衣服鈕扣互扣,那就不用分離  (〈愛你AINI)
(B) 命中注定,注定我愛你  (〈基因決定我愛你〉)
(C) 小酒窩,長睫毛,是你最美的記號  (〈小酒窩〉)
(D) 想念不會偷懶,我的夢通通給你保管  (〈孤單北半球〉)
5. ( ) 下列何者使用的句型與「吾若為司馬懿」相同?  (〈空城計〉)
(A) 我喜歡愛你外套味道,還有你的懷裡  (〈愛你AINI)
(B) 我就喜歡,老掉牙劇情  (〈基因決定我愛你〉)
(C) 你是我的小呀小蘋果  (〈小蘋果〉)
(D) 你的望遠鏡望不到我北半球的孤單  (〈孤單北半球〉)
6. ( ) 下列何者使用的句型與「談笑有鴻儒,往來無白丁」不同?  (〈陋室銘〉)
(A) 我的家鄉沒有霓虹燈  (〈鹿港小鎮〉)
(B) 至少我們還有夢  (〈水手〉)
(C) 有時沒生氣,故意鬧脾氣  (〈愛你AINI)
(D) 當然也會有悲傷  (〈快樂天堂〉)
(E) 以上皆非

1. ( ) 我放慢了步調,感覺像是喝醉了  (〈小酒窩〉)
(A) feel (B) feels (C) feel like (D) fell
2. ( ) 我還在尋找,一個依靠,和一個擁抱  (〈小酒窩〉)
(A) look for (B) look at (C) find (D) found
3. ( ) 想變成你的氧氣,溜進你身體裡  (〈愛你AINI)
(A) want becoming (B) want to become (C) want become (D) want became
4. ( ) 你是我的小呀小蘋果,就天邊最美的雲朵  (〈小蘋果〉)
(A) like (B) likes (C) is like (D) are like
5. ( ) 我望著滿天星在閃,牛郎對織女說勇敢  (〈孤單北半球〉)
(A) listen;be (B) listen;to be (C) listen for;being (D) listen to;be
6. ( ) 讓我看到北極星有十字星作伴  (〈孤單北半球〉)
(A) let me see (B) let me to see (C) let me seeing (D) let me saw
7. ( ) 想要讓你離開他的世界不可能會  (〈癡心絕對〉)
(A) want let you leave (B) want to let you leave for (C) want letting you leaving (D) want to let you leave

1. ( ) 破壞王打壞了雲妮露的車,如果雲妮露真的要追究,請問破壞王要負起哪種責任? (複選)  (《無敵破壞王》)
(A) 民事責任 (B) 刑事責任 (C) 行政責任
2. ( ) 呈上題,破壞王可使用哪種權利救濟?(複選)  (《無敵破壞王》)
(A) 調解 (B) 和解 (C) 訴訟 (D) 仲裁
《甜蜜衝刺》遊戲的設定中,雲妮露為9歲,而實際上為22歲。請以她的兩種年齡來做答。  (《無敵破壞王》)
3. ( ) 如果雲妮露觸犯《中華民國刑法》,可能會受到何種制裁?
(A) 兒童保護事件;刑罰 (B) 皆為兒童保護事件 (C) 皆為刑罰 (D) 少年刑事案件;刑罰
4. ( ) 雲妮露在《中華民國民法》行為能力中,屬於何種分類?
(A) 無行為能力人;完全行為能力人 (B) 無行為能力人;限制行為能力人 (C) 限制行為能力人;完全行為能力人 (D) 皆為限制行為能力人
5. ( ) 古美門律師與九條律師的對決為一醫療糾紛。問醫療糾紛不可透過何種方式解決?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 仲裁 (B) 行政訴訟 (C) 和解 (D) 民事訴訟
6. ( ) 古美門律師在法庭上遇到他的的宿敵三木律師,問此訴訟為?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 民事訴訟 (B) 刑事訴訟 (C) 條件不足,無法判斷
7. ( ) 古美門律師被醍醐檢察官打敗,問此訴訟為?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 民事訴訟 (B) 刑事訴訟 (C) 條件不足,無法判斷
8. ( ) 別府法官是讓古美門律師覺得最頭痛的法官,如果她要審理一件民事訴訟,她不需要做什麼?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 依法做出判決 (B) 蒐集可靠證據 (C) 維持法庭秩序
9. ( ) 羽生律師認為解決糾紛最好的方式就是達到雙贏,問下列何者最難達到雙贏?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 調解 (B) 訴訟上和解 (C) 訴訟 (D) 訴訟外和解
10. ( ) 久利生檢察官經過調查蒐證後,對嫌疑犯起訴,問此過程為?  (HERO)
(A) 公訴 (B) 自訴 (C) 告訴 (D) 告發
11. ( ) 久利生檢察官、南雲殺人案、松平律師。根據以上線索,判斷這是哪種訴訟?  (HERO)
(A) 民事訴訟 (B) 刑事訴訟 (C) 條件不足,無法判斷
12. ( ) 承上題,此為?  (HERO)
(A) 民事案件 (B) 刑法告訴乃論案件 (C) 刑法非告訴乃論案件 (D) 行政糾紛

二、填充題 (全英文)
1. Ralph feels happy w    n he sees Vanellope.
= Ralph feels happy w    n      Vanellope.  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. Vanellope was the p    ess of Candy Kingdom (糖果王國)      she wanted     (be) a president (總統).  (《無敵破壞王》)
3. Ralph is tired of      a bad guy.  (《無敵破壞王》)
4. Penny held Sherman          (say) “I’m a dog, too.” to him.  (MPAS)
5. Sherman likes Penny      she ridiculed (欺負) him before.
= Penny ridiculed Sherman before,      he likes her.  (MPAS)

三、翻譯 (全英文)
1. 這部電影的其中兩首片尾曲是英文歌。  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. 每位警察都很高興皮巴弟先生(Mr. Peabody)薛曼 (Sherman)回來。  (MPAS)
3. 皮巴弟先生看到薛曼和潘妮 (Penny)在駕駛飛機。  (MPAS)
4. 破壞王(Ralph)破壞雲妮露(Vanellope)的車後,她感到很傷心,並哭著說:「你真的是個壞人」 (After…in tears)  (《無敵破壞王》)
5. 孔明(Zhuge Liang)見司馬懿(Sima Yi)引十五萬大軍望西城縣而來 (西城縣直接使用here)  (〈空城計〉)

四、閱讀測驗 (全英文)

Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you
Go see the world because it's all so brand new
Don't close your eyes, because your future's ready to shine
It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly
Welcome the rhythm of the night
There's something in the air you can't deny

It's been fun but now I've got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road, I gotta know, 'til then,
when can we do this again?
When can I see you again?
When can we do this again?
I gotta know, when can I see you again?
(When Can I See You Again?)
1. ( ) How many kinds of conjunctions (連接詞) in the lyrics?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
2. ( ) What is the speech (詞性) of when?
(A) adv. (B) conj. (連接詞) (C) n. (D) v.
3. Please correct the line 3.
4. Please correct the line 5.

A secret makes a woman woman.
1. ( ) What is the speech (詞性) of woman?
(A) adv. (B) adj. (C) n. (D) v.
2. ( ) What is the speech (詞性) of woman?
(A) adv. (B) adj. (C) n. (D) v.

After Sherman and Penny went into the gate, their friends said: “Why do you go to school together? Didn’t you hate each other?” Penny answered: “Because I went Sherman’s place yesterday evening, something happened…” Sherman said:” But it is a secret.” their friends said: “Oh~ what on earth were you doing then?” Suddenly, class bell rang, they went into the classroom.
It’s history class again. History teacher said: “Washington is the first president of the U.S.A., and French Revolution (法國大革命) happened at that time. So, I have you do the homework: collect (蒐集) information about French Revolution.” Sherman said: ”I went to French Revolution three days ago, I can help you finish doing this homework.” Penny said:” Thank you very much!”
At lunch, Sherman and Penny sat together. Their friends asked them the same question, Sherman said:” I said, it is a secret, so we can refuse (拒絕) to answer your question.” Their friends thought it’s unusual (不尋常的); it must happen something last night!
(MPAS》,出處:Taiwan Gordon Cheng自編)
1. ( ) What did the history teacher have the students do?
(A) Collect information about Washington.
(B) Collect information about French Revolution.
(C) Go to French Revolution.
(D) Meet Washington.
2. ( ) When did Sherman go to French Revolution?
(A) Last night
(B) Yesterday evening
(C) The day before yesterday
(D)Three days ago
3. ( ) Who is Washington?
(A) The first president of the U.S.A.
(B) Initiated French Revolution
(C) The history teacher
(D) One of their friends
4. ( ) What is the meaning of on earth?
(A) 在土地上 (B) 在地球上 (C) 到底 (C) 所以

Then, Ralph fell down. At the same time, Vanellope disappeared from the screen. Both of them hoped to see each other soon. At night, Yuni saw Mr. Litwak leave, and then told everybody to rest. Ralph and Felix went to Game Central Station quickly. When they went there, they saw Vanellope and Calhoun waiting for them. Then, Felix and Calhoun went to Hero's Duty, Ralph and Vanellope went to Sugar Rush. Felix and Calhoun shot and killed most of Cy-Bugs. Felix said: “Can we do something romantic (浪漫的)?” Calhoun kissed him although there were many soldiers.
Ralph and Vanellope practiced driving car. Felix made a scooter for Ralph, so he could ride a scooter with Vanellope. The race started, Ralph also joined it this time. Finally, Vanellope got the first. Taffyta said: ”Vanellope, why do you always get the first, and I get second?” Vanellope answered: ”Because I have Glitch, and I can use it well.” Taffyta: ”But it’s unfair (不公平的), you have it, but I doesn’t!” Vanellope:”It’s my characteristic (特色)! If you want equity (公平), you have to look for your unique skill.” Taffyta:”OK, I will.” Then, Ralph said: “Said well!” and fist bumped (擊拳) with Vanellope.
(《無敵破壞王》,出處:Taiwan Gordon Cheng自編)
1. ( ) What is the meaning of unique skill?
(A) 公平 (B) 正義 (C) (D) 必殺技
2. ( ) What did Ralph and Vanellope do?
(A) Joined race in Hero's Duty
(B) Shot and killed most of Cy-Bugs in Hero's Duty
(C) Kissed in Sugar Rush
(D) Practiced driving car together in Sugar Rush
3. ( ) Who thought the race is unfair?
(A) Vanellope (B) Ralph (C) Taffyta (D) Felix (E) Calhoun
4. ( ) When can they rest?
(A) Mr. Litwak leaves
(B) Ralph falls down
(C) Vanellope disappears from the screen
(D) Felix and Calhoun kiss
5. ( ) Who have Glitch?
(A) Vanellope (B) Ralph (C) Taffyta (D) Felix (E) Calhoun



1. (D)      of the ending songs (片尾曲) in the movie is in Japanese.
(A) Both (B) Two (C) All (D) One  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. (A) Vanellope saw Ralph      the tree.
(A) climb (B) to climb (C) climbed (D) was climbing  (《無敵破壞王》)
3. (B)      Ralph didn’t want to get the medal(獎牌), he couldn’t know Vanellope.
(A) Although (B) If (C) Because (D) When  (《無敵破壞王》)
 (4)  Ralph  (5)  go back Fix-It Felix, Jr  (6)  , the game will disappear (消失).  (《無敵破壞王》)
4. (C)
(A) After (B) Though (C) If (D) Before
5. (D)
(A) won’t (B) don’t (C) didn’t (D) doesn’t
6. (A)
(A) quickly (B) quick (C) quicker (D) quickest
7. (D)      the race is Vanellope’s hope.      a bad guy is Ralph’s fate (命運).  (《無敵破壞王》)
(A) Join;Be (B) Joining;Be (C) To Joining;To be (D) Joining;Being


1. (DE) 請問破壞王和雲妮露的友誼應是? (複選)
(A) 點頭之交 (B) 泛泛之交 (C) 一面之交 (D) 忘年之交
(E) 莫逆之交 (F) 勢利之交 (G) 總角之交  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. (AC) 薛曼和潘妮的情況應是? (複選)
(A) 不打不相識 (B) 患難見真情 (C) 冤家變親家  (MPAS)
3. (B) 下列何者使用的修辭與「歸來見天子,天子坐明堂」相同?  (〈木蘭詩〉)
(A) 我喜歡愛你愛你愛你,隨時都要一起  (〈愛你AINI)類疊
(B) 基因決定,決定我愛你  (〈基因決定我愛你〉)頂真
(C) 小酒窩,長睫毛,迷人的無可救藥  (〈小酒窩〉)誇飾
(D) 你被寫在我的眼睛裡眨呀  (〈你被寫在我的歌裡〉)轉化
4. (D) 下列何者使用的修辭與「風箏一路追逐鳥兒」相同?  (〈向鳥學習〉)
(A) 把我們衣服鈕扣互扣,那就不用分離  (〈愛你AINI)
(B) 命中注定,注定我愛你  (〈基因決定我愛你〉)頂真
(C) 小酒窩,長睫毛,是你最美的記號  (〈小酒窩〉)
(D) 想念不會偷懶,我的夢通通給你保管  (〈孤單北半球〉)轉化
5. (C) 下列何者使用的句型與「吾若為司馬懿」相同?  (〈空城計〉)
(A) 我喜歡愛你外套味道,還有你的懷裡  (〈愛你AINI)敘事句
(B) 我就喜歡,老掉牙劇情  (〈基因決定我愛你〉)敘事句
(C) 你是我的小呀小蘋果  (〈小蘋果〉)判斷句
(D) 你的望遠鏡望不到我北半球的孤單  (〈孤單北半球〉)敘事句
6. (E) 下列何者使用的句型與「談笑有鴻儒,往來無白丁」不同?  (〈陋室銘〉)
(A) 我的家鄉沒有霓虹燈  (〈鹿港小鎮〉)有無句
(B) 至少我們還有夢  (〈水手〉)有無句
(C) 有時沒生氣,故意鬧脾氣  (〈愛你AINI)有無句
(D) 當然也會有悲傷  (〈快樂天堂〉)有無句
(E) 以上皆非

1. (C) 我放慢了步調,感覺像是喝醉了  (〈小酒窩〉)
(A) feel (B) feels (C) feel like (D) fell
2. (A) 我還在尋找,一個依靠,和一個擁抱  (〈小酒窩〉)
(A) look for (B) look at (C) find (D) found
3. (B) 想變成你的氧氣,溜進你身體裡  (〈愛你AINI)
(A) want becoming (B) want to become (C) want become (D) want became
4. (D) 你是我的小呀小蘋果,就天邊最美的雲朵  (〈小蘋果〉)
(A) like (B) likes (C) is like (D) are like
陷阱題5. (D) 我望著滿天星在閃,牛郎對織女說勇敢  (〈孤單北半球〉)
(A) listen;be (B) listen;to be (C) listen for;being (D) listen to;be
6. (A) 讓我看到北極星有十字星作伴  (〈孤單北半球〉)
(A) let me see (B) let me to see (C) let me seeing (D) let me saw
7. (D) 想要讓你離開他的世界不可能會  (〈癡心絕對〉)
(A) want let you leave (B) want to let you leave for (C) want letting you leaving (D) want to let you leave

1. (AB) 破壞王打壞了雲妮露的車,如果雲妮露真的要追究,請問破壞王要負起哪種責任? (複選)  (《無敵破壞王》)
(A) 民事責任 (B) 刑事責任 (C) 行政責任
2. (ABC) 呈上題,破壞王可使用哪種權利救濟?(複選)  (《無敵破壞王》)
(A) 調解 (B) 和解 (C) 訴訟 (D) 仲裁 仲裁不適合
《甜蜜衝刺》遊戲的設定中,雲妮露為9歲,而實際上為22歲。請以她的兩種年齡來做答。  (《無敵破壞王》)
3. (A) 如果雲妮露觸犯《中華民國刑法》,可能會受到何種制裁?
(A) 兒童保護事件;刑罰 (B) 皆為兒童保護事件 (C) 皆為刑罰 (D) 少年刑事案件;刑罰
4. (C) 雲妮露在《中華民國民法》行為能力中,屬於何種分類?
(A) 無行為能力人;完全行為能力人 (B) 無行為能力人;限制行為能力人 (C) 限制行為能力人;完全行為能力人 (D) 皆為限制行為能力人
5. (B) 古美門律師與九條律師的對決為一醫療糾紛。問醫療糾紛不可透過何種方式解決?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 仲裁 (B) 行政訴訟 (C) 和解 (D) 民事訴訟
6. (C) 古美門律師在法庭上遇到他的的宿敵三木律師,問此訴訟為?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 民事訴訟 (B) 刑事訴訟 (C) 條件不足,無法判斷 律師在民事或刑事訴訟都有可能出現
7. (B) 古美門律師被醍醐檢察官打敗,問此訴訟為?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 民事訴訟 (B) 刑事訴訟 (C) 條件不足,無法判斷
8. (B) 別府法官是讓古美門律師覺得最頭痛的法官,如果她要審理一件民事訴訟,她不需要做什麼?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 依法做出判決 (B) 蒐集可靠證據 (C) 維持法庭秩序
9. (C) 羽生律師認為解決糾紛最好的方式就是達到雙贏,問下列何者最難達到雙贏?  (《王牌大律師》)
(A) 調解 (B) 訴訟上和解 (C) 訴訟 (D) 訴訟外和解 雙贏的目的就是為了讓雙方都退讓一步
10. (A) 久利生檢察官經過調查蒐證後,對嫌疑犯起訴,問此過程為?  (HERO)
(A) 公訴 (B) 自訴 (C) 告訴 (D) 告發
11. (B) 久利生檢察官、南雲殺人案、松平律師。根據以上線索,判斷這是哪種訴訟?  (HERO)
(A) 民事訴訟 (B) 刑事訴訟 (C) 條件不足,無法判斷 殺人案、檢察官為關鍵字
12. (C) 承上題,此為?  (HERO)
(A) 民事案件 (B) 刑法告訴乃論案件 (C) 刑法非告訴乃論案件 (D) 行政糾紛

二、填充題 (全英文)
1. Ralph feels happy when he sees Vanellope.
= Ralph feels happy when seeing Vanellope.  (《無敵破壞王》)
2. Vanellope was the princess of Candy Kingdom (糖果王國) before she wanted to be(be) a president (總統).  (《無敵破壞王》)
3. Ralph is tired of being a bad guy.  (《無敵破壞王》)
4. Penny held Sherman after saying(say) “I’m a dog, too.” to him.  (MPAS)
5. Sherman likes Penny although/though she ridiculed (欺負) him before.
= Penny ridiculed Sherman before, but he likes her.  (MPAS)

三、翻譯 (全英文)
1. 這部電影的其中兩首片尾曲是英文歌。  (《無敵破壞王》)
Ans: Two of the ending songs of the movie are English songs.
2. 每位警察都很高興皮巴弟先生(Mr. Peabody)薛曼 (Sherman)回來。  (MPAS)
Ans: Each of the police officers were happy to Mr. Peabody and Sherman come back.
3. 皮巴弟先生看到薛曼和潘妮 (Penny)在駕駛飛機。  (MPAS)
Ans: Mr. Peabody saw Sherman and Penny fly/flying/drive/driving the plant.
4. 破壞王(Ralph)破壞雲妮露(Vanellope)的車後,她感到很傷心,並哭著說:「你真的是個壞人」 (After…in tears)  (《無敵破壞王》)
Ans: After Ralph broke Vanellope’s car, she felt sad and said “You are really a bad guy.” in tears.
5. 孔明(Zhuge Liang)見司馬懿(Sima Yi)引十五萬大軍望西城縣而來 (西城縣直接使用here)  (〈空城計〉)
Ans: Zhuge Liang saw Sima Yi lead/leading fifteen thousand soldiers to go here.

四、閱讀測驗 (全英文)

Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you
Go see the world because it's all so brand new
Don't close your eyes, because your future's ready to shine
It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly
Welcome the rhythm of the night
There's something in the air you can't deny

It's been fun but now I've got to go
Life is way too short to take it slow
But before I go and hit the road, I gotta know, 'til then,
when can we do this again?
When can I see you again?
When can we do this again?
I gotta know, when can I see you again?
(When Can I See You Again?)
1. (C) How many kinds of conjunctions (連接詞) in the lyrics?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5 and, because, before, but,共4個。when是疑問副詞,在此不當連接詞
2. (A) What is the speech (詞性) of when?
(A) adv. (B) conj. (連接詞) (C) n. (D) v. 疑問副詞即副詞
3. Please correct the line 3. 去掉逗號即可,because前不加逗號
Ans: Don't close your eyes because your future's ready to shine
4. Please correct the line 5. Welcome後面要加上to
Ans: Welcome to the rhythm of the night

A secret makes a woman woman.
1. (C) What is the speech (詞性) of woman?
(A) adv. (B) adj. (C) n. (D) v.
2. (B) What is the speech (詞性) of woman?
(A) adv. (B) adj. (C) n. (D) v.
makes做使役動詞,故為A secret makes a woman woman. (主詞+使役動詞+受詞+形容詞)woman做「女人味」解

After Sherman and Penny went into the gate, their friends said: “Why do you go to school together? Didn’t you hate each other?” Penny answered: “Because I went Sherman’s place yesterday evening, something happened…” Sherman said:” But it is a secret.” their friends said: “Oh~ what on earth were you doing then?” Suddenly, class bell rang, they went into the classroom.
It’s history class again. History teacher said: “Washington is the first president of the U.S.A., and French Revolution (法國大革命) happened at that time. So, I have you do the homework: collect (蒐集) information about French Revolution.” Sherman said: ”I went to French Revolution three days ago, I can help you finish doing this homework.” Penny said:” Thank you very much!”
At lunch, Sherman and Penny sat together. Their friends asked them the same question, Sherman said:” I said, it is a secret, so we can refuse (拒絕) to answer your question.” Their friends thought it’s unusual (不尋常的); it must happen something last night!
(MPAS》,出處:Taiwan Gordon Cheng自編)
1. (B) What did the history teacher have the students do?
(A) Collect information about Washington.
(B) Collect information about French Revolution.
(C) Go to French Revolution.
(D) Meet Washington.
So, I have you do the homework: collect information about French Revolution.
2. (D) When did Sherman go to French Revolution?
(A) Last night
(B) Yesterday evening
(C) The day before yesterday
(D)Three days ago
Sherman said: ”I went to French Revolution three days ago.”
3. (A) Who is Washington?
(A) The first president of the U.S.A.
(B) Initiated French Revolution
(C) The history teacher
(D) One of their friends
Washington is the first president of the U.S.A.
4. (C) What is the meaning of on earth?
(A) 在土地上 (B) 在地球上 (C) 到底 (C) 所以 你們那時on earth在做什麼?

Then, Ralph fell down. At the same time, Vanellope disappeared from the screen. Both of them hoped to see each other soon. At night, Yuni saw Mr. Litwak leave, and then told everybody to rest. Ralph and Felix went to Game Central Station quickly. When they went there, they saw Vanellope and Calhoun waiting for them. Then, Felix and Calhoun went to Hero's Duty, Ralph and Vanellope went to Sugar Rush. Felix and Calhoun shot and killed most of Cy-Bugs. Felix said: “Can we do something romantic (浪漫的)?” Calhoun kissed him although there were many soldiers.
Ralph and Vanellope practiced driving car. Felix made a scooter for Ralph, so he could ride a scooter with Vanellope. The race started, Ralph also joined it this time. Finally, Vanellope got the first. Taffyta said: ”Vanellope, why do you always get the first, and I get second?” Vanellope answered: ”Because I have Glitch, and I can use it well.” Taffyta: ”But it’s unfair (不公平的), you have it, but I doesn’t!” Vanellope:”It’s my characteristic (特色)! If you want equity (公平), you have to look for your unique skill.” Taffyta:”OK, I will.” Then, Ralph said: “Said well!” and fist bumped (擊拳) with Vanellope.
(《無敵破壞王》,出處:Taiwan Gordon Cheng自編)
1. (D) What is the meaning of unique skill?
(A) 公平 (B) 正義 (C) (D) 必殺技 如果妳想要公平,妳必須要尋找妳的unique skill。由此得知為必殺技。
2. (D) What did Ralph and Vanellope do?
(A) Joined race in Hero's Duty
(B) Shot and killed most of Cy-Bugs in Hero's Duty
(C) Kissed in Sugar Rush
(D) Practiced driving car together in Sugar Rush
Ralph and Vanellope practiced driving car. Felix made a scooter for Ralph, so he could ride a scooter with Vanellope.
3. (C) Who thought the race is unfair?
(A) Vanellope (B) Ralph (C) Taffyta (D) Felix (E) Calhoun
Taffyta: ”But it’s unfair, you have it, but I doesn’t!”
4. (A) When can they rest?
(A) Mr. Litwak leaves
(B) Ralph falls down
(C) Vanellope disappears from the screen
(D) Felix and Calhoun kiss
At night, Yuni saw Mr. Litwak leave, and then told everybody to rest.
5. (A) Who have Glitch?
(A) Vanellope (B) Ralph (C) Taffyta (D) Felix (E) Calhoun

Vanellope answered: ”Because I have Glitch, and I can use it well.”

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